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Home » Julie Driver Pilates Education » The Pilates Equestrian series: The Mat Work

The Pilates Equestrian series: The Mat Work

Course Pre-requisite: This is a continuing education course for those already holding a minimum Level 3 Pilates certification.
Students will be asked to submit their level 3 mat certificate as the final step before their certificate is issued.

Whether you teach the weekend rider or elite equestrians I can help you bridge the gap between your Pilates knowledge and the needs of the Equestrian.

I’ve been teaching Pilates for twenty years and I’m delighted to be able to share the proven exercises I’ve seen benefit and work for riders of all levels during that time.

We’ll take an in depth look at the exercises and how to develop a programme that will assist Equestrians of all levels to improve their existing horsemanship riding skills, their balance, co-ordination and confidence.

“I had a start with this yesterday and I’m delighted! It is exactly what I was looking for. Although I know the exercises really well I was never able to link it to the rider! I knew they helped but couldn’t explain why. I particularly like it when your student gives feedback and I can see you correcting her. Really useful stuff! ” – MM 2020

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