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Home » Later Life Training » Later Life Training Education Connect Members – Bitesize Learning Sessions 2024 – PSI and OEP Refresher

Later Life Training Education Connect Members – Bitesize Learning Sessions 2024 – PSI and OEP Refresher

Course aim: The aim of this series of learning sessions is to review, refresh, and add to learning for Otago Exercise Programme (OEP) Leaders and Postural Stability Instructors (PSI) working with older people at risk of falls.

Learning outcomes:

Learners will be able to:
1. Explain current contemporary knowledge of the published research relating to evidence-based exercise to prevent and manage falls.
2. Describe how taking up exercise is a behaviour change and explore the relationship with exercise science and behaviour sciences in supporting engagement in exercise programmes in the longer-term.
3. State the importance of nutrition as an added value to exercise training for muscle strength and size improvements.
4. Describe the importance of building self-efficacy as a strategy to improve the uptake of exercise amongst older people.
5. Describe, and better understand, who might best benefit from the Otago and FaME (PSI) exercise programmes.
6. Review the key learning relating to base of support for older people at risk of fall.
7. Review how conversations/words during warm up and cool down can offer greater specificity and learning for backward chaining approaches.
8. Explain current contemporary knowledge of the published research relating to evidence-based exercise to prevent and manage sarcopenia.
9. Describe the role of session layouts and formats (with examples) for optimal group management of Otago and FaME sessions.
10. Review and discuss the real-life challenges of delivering dynamic endurance to older people at risk of falls.


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