-Recall all of the muscles that cross each of the major joints of the human body.
-Recall the definitions of each of the arthrokinematics motions.
-Analyze a joint a motion, including the osteokinematic motion and the accompanying arthrokinematic motion.
-Describe the role of muscles during dynamic motions.
-Explain how muscle and fascia may contribute to the production of force and power.
-Describe the function of the muscle spindles and the golgi-tendon organ.
-Explain the role of the nervous system in proprioception or a power movement like a box jump.
-Develop a “real world example” of how intervention/exercise selection may be influenced by an understanding of the human movement systems.
More on the Human Movement Systems: Introduction to Functional Anatomy
- Provided by Brookbush Institute of Human Movement Science
- 1.00 CPD Points
- Professional Standards: Personal Trainer
- Training Provider Partner (TPP)
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