The Moving Fascia® Teacher Training teaches students how to:
1) Identify fascial restrictions that inhibit movement and understand their relationships through the lens of biotensegrity
2) Integrate a new repertoire of fascia focused movement including the Moving Fascia® SOFT massage balls, to restore autonomic balance, aid mobility and integrate breath
3) Understand a step by step approach including how to implement the Moving Fascia® SERI principles
4) Adapt and modify the Moving Fascia® repertoire and self fascial release techniques to meet the client’s needs to help minimise pain and aid recovery
5) Promote self-regulation and facilitate client’s interoception with tools that promote autonomic balance via sensory input
6) Improve proprioception, balance and dynamic stability
7) Employ effective communication skills to maintain client motivation, ensure effectiveness of the method and promote health and wellbeing
8) Understand contraindications and precautions for specific pathologies