The safeguarding Children and Young People Renewal: Digital Safety for Children in Sport is an eLearning course of two halves. This learning product has been specifically designed as a refresher for those who have attended a more in-depth safeguarding training course.
Module 1: Safeguarding Children and Young People Renewal, explores,
• Revisit what good coaching practice looks like and how you can continue to apply this to your coaching.
• Build your confidence to recognise and respond to concerns about a child, including possible signs of child abuse, lower-level concerns and poor practice.
• Action plan how to report any concerns about children, where appropriate.
Module 2: Protecting d/Deaf and Disabled Children in Sport, explores,
• Different forms of abuse and additional considerations for deaf and disabled children
• How to recognise signs of abuse and what to do if there are any concerns
• Apply learning to scenarios
• Reporting mechanisms and where to seek support for additional information, concerns or when reporting an emergency.